Anodized Aluminum Bottle Opener Keyring
Looking for an affordable handout where your logo can be in full color? This new anonodized aluminum bottle opener keytag is small, convenient and durable. It’s the perfect showcase for your logo. The 1 inch round imprint area will hold your full color logo an is covered with a poly dome. 100 min at 2.90 ea, 300 at 2.65 ea, 500 at 2.40 ea. $50 set up. Comes in black, gold, silver, blue or red. Great for brewpubs, brewfests, liquor stores, golf tournaments, community events, thanking volunteers and more. Item BOL110
Order today! 877-351-2627
Tags: anodized aluminum bottle opener keytag, anodized bottle opener with logo, anodized keytag with logo, full color logo on keytag, keytag with logo
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