Beer Marketing Products
Beer Marketing Products - Craft Brewery Promotionals - Micro Brew Items - Beer Advertising Promos - Imprinted Beer Items

brewpubs sampler glass

Vienna Sample 6 oz

Looking for a new sampler glass and want to save some money? The Vienna sampler glass is 6 oz and has an imprint area 1-1/4″ h x 2″ w. Your logo makes this sampler glass a great souvenir for your event. This glass is  and is on sale through June 28, 2018 for 1.89 ea with a 40.00 set up. (After June 29, price is 2.59 ea for 144-288 pieces). Min is 216 glasses. Item number 0459.

Beer sampler 6 oz glass 0459

6 oz beer sampler glass with imprint area 1.25 x 2 inches. Great for beer festivals, events, brewpubs and more. Item 0459.

Order today!     877-351-2627

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